What kind of furniture can we make? All kinds!
That’s the answer we give our customers who ask us that question!
One of the key business requirements is to know the answer to the customer’s question – why should we choose you?
Clients, just like craftspeople, are very diverse and have different expectations of their work. Let me tell you what makes the foundation of our standards.
Woodworking is not just our hobby, it’s our profession – our master Jānis Bernāns has a diploma in furniture carpentry from the Riga School of Crafts and a diploma from the Riga Chamber of Crafts. Later he furthered his knowledge at RTU, obtaining Mg.sc.ing. – Master’s degree in wood technology and design.
That’s why we can say with confidence that wood is our passion AND our speciality. Our craftsman’s skills have already been widely appreciated, see below the picture of the Ķekava Municipality Entrepreneur of the Year Award 2022!
Kumode ar kokgriezumiem, ko izgatavojis Zipa.lv meistars Jānis Bernāns ar kursabiedriem
Zipa.lv vadītājs Jānis Bernāns saņem Ķekavas novada uzņēmēju gada balvu nominācijā Gada amatnieks 2022
Customers ask – what can you do?
The answer to the question What can we do? Everything!!! Anything, really, but within the limits of the materials available to us, and the work, of course, takes time, money and working hands.
The first picture shows a handmade masterpiece by our master and two of his course mates – a new oak chest of drawers made as part of the Riga Crafts School diploma project.
The chest of drawers was modelled on an identical piece of furniture owned by a furniture collector; all the parts – the frame, carvings and turnings – were handmade.
We approach every piece of furniture we make with the same care that goes into a chest of drawers. This shapes the deadline, the price and ultimately the quality of our product. 🙂
For children with special needs

There is always a dual feeling when parents of special needs children approach us to [...]

Customer photo!

Of course, studio pictures are beautiful, often even perfect, but for us, the most endearing [...]

Little Tereze’s new room

Little Tereze's new room with cot, shelves, swing, playground and more!

How to choose your furniture wisely!

Tips for distinguishing products from quality materials. How glued solid wood beams differ from homogeneous [...]

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